Thai Massage & Spa
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Thai Massage & Spa

Welcome to the Thai Massage & Spa by JJ specializes in back, neck, and shoulder pain/discomfort as well as other soft tissue problems including limited range of motion and headache related to stress. We are dedicated to your wellness and revitalization, offering and wide rang of spa treatments to aid in your relaxation and stress relief. Our mission is to provide the perfect place to go for that rejuvenating care and attention everyone needs

Benefits of Massage Therapy

Massage is one of the easiest ways of attaining and maintaining good health and well being. It's a healing instinct, innate in all of us, to rub an aching knee, or stroke a furrowed brow. Headaches, aches and pains, insomnia, tension and stress can all be alleviated with on simple instrument - our hands.

The basis of massage is touch. There is increasing medical evidence to show the great value of touch. Touch is so natural that without it people become depressed and irritable. Observations show that children brought up in families where parents and children touch each other are healthier and more able to withstand pain and infection than those children deprived of touch. They tend of sleep better, are more sociable and generally happier.

Thai Massage & Spa by JJ has been proudly serving you in Sheridan location. Our aims to provide maximum relaxation and rejuvenation while bringing a piece of Thailand
. Culture to you, making us your perfect vacation get-away near home. Thai culture is more than about music, painting and fine foods. It arises from a complex system of mutual respect and politeness that binds people together. Massage has a long tradition as a healing therapy and has been used by many different coutures for centuries to treat and relieve a wide range of disorders. Thai massage is based on Thai medicine, an ancient holistic approach to healing the body-heart-mind-spirit. Thai medicine strives to treat the underlying cause of any illness by addressing imbalances limn these three essences, not just the physical body.